Benny, Joon & Sam

The story follows a mentally unstable individual, Joon, who has grown up with her brother, Benny, who has taken care of her since she they were young as their parents were involved in an accident which unfortunately cost them their lives. With this in mind we have to consider the relationship in which Benny and Joon endure. Throughout the film we can see that Joon faces a series of problems that can be seen as slightly maladaptive under certain situations as her anxiety gets the better of her.  Benny feels responsible for his sister making him reroute his life around her in order to prevent any of her outburst, which may not be considered dangerous but as many individuals do not understand her situation this leaves Benny weary of her whereabouts and compelled for Joon to carry out her routines. In a sense Benny has got complete control over Joon’s life as he believes he is responsible for keeping her safe and restricting her decisions to a routine basis. This leaves benny in a dilemma as under professional guidance, as Joon’s doctor request that she’d be sent to a group home yet Benny is not completely sold on the idea until Sam comes into the picture.


Sam too is truly eccentric who ends up in both Joon’s and Benny’s lives. With his love for film there doesn’t seem to be room for much else which in turn makes him appear quite simple, from his lack of writing to his creative ways of preparing food, many individuals perceive that something is wrong with him. However, his simplicity leads him not to perceive Joon as someone to be weary of but instead someone who understands him and vice versa. As Sam starts to become more and more part of the family we can see that the calls that used to interrupt Benny from his work, the errands that he used to run and other behaviours that were considered maladaptive not just for Joon but also effected Benny subsided. The relationship sparked between Joon and Sam yet Joon felt the need to tell Benny about the newly formed relationship.


Benny was outraged when Sam told him as he saw this as something that should have never happened perhaps due to both Sam and Joon’s conditions, the lack of understanding of the matter and the feeling of being taken advantage of. His outburst lead to Joon running off with Sam which in turn lead to Joon acting out on the bus and then taken to the group home for supervision.  With this in mind perhaps it is not just one individual needed in Joon’s life but a number of them who truly understand her. If Sam was enough for her, the anxiety would have not got the better of her as she was running away and if Benny was enough then Joon would have never ran off in the first place. it is not just the people who are effecting her that make her change for the best but also her effects on others so perhaps they can understand that the little things should not be taken for granted, such as family.

b & J & S

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